Die Dunkelziffer

Die Dunkelziffer's collaborative project was initiated in 2018 and is now performing well throughout Germany. They left no CDJ unplayed as residents at Symbiotikka at KitKatClub in Berlin and Bahnwärter Thiel in Munich as well as guest shows at Tanzhaus West in Frankfurt, at Mensch Meier, Polygon Berlin and ASeven Club. When Die Dunkelziffer are not performing on stage or shopping new caps, they are up and on to build their own club-events and festivals with their collective "fhainest".

fhainest Agency Artist  Die Dunkelziffer
fhainest Agency Artist Die Dunkelziffer
fhainest Agency Artist Die Dunkelziffer

Du möchtest Die Dunkelziffer buchen?

Dann schreib uns eine Nachricht an: agency (at) fhainest.com
und wir kommen auf dich zu!


Cara Elizabeth

